Saturday, December 1, 2007

Can I Have Your Sports Parenting Question?

Hi, Dr. Cohn here with The Ultimate Sports Parent. By trade, I am a sports psychology expert. My sister, Lisa Cohn and I are on a mission to help sports parents improve their kids' experience in sports. We focus on issues related to youth sports and psychology. We both have young kids in sports and are interested in helping young athletes reach their potential.

What does youth sports psychology mean? My sister is a sports parenting author and I am a mental training expert working with junior to professional athletes to improve mental skills. If you combine our expertise, you come up with a unique blend of tips and articles for sports parents aimed at helping parents improve confidence and success in young athletes.

We receive emails every day via our popular youth sports psychology for parents and youth coaches website at This blog is about answering questions you have about youth sports, mental training for youth, or sports psychology and parenting issues for kids.

If you have any questions about how to improve confidence, focus, or composure in your young athlete or any youth sports questions, please post your comment here or to get a faster response, submit your question to us at
The Ultimate Sports Parent.

Please come back soon as I will post questions from sports parents and my answer in this blog created exclusively for sports parents!


Dr. Patrick Cohn
Youth Sports Psychology Expert

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